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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.

Social responsibility

We support the Ukrainians to bring the victory closer
Допомагаємо для підтримки здоров’я та благополуччя

Helping to maintain health and well-being

  • Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, more than 3 million packages of medicines worth approximately 250 million UAH have been delivered to hospitals, charitable foundations, and military units. In total, over 200 recipients have received assistance.
  • Approximately 40 million UAH in financial aid has been provided to healthcare institutions and charitable foundations (since 24.02.2022).
  • Humanitarian aid was delivered to the residents of the Kherson region following the de-occupation of the Right Bank and the disaster at the Kakhovka HPP.
  • The country was also given 10.7 million doses of "Potassium Iodide-125-Darnytsia", a drug for iodine prophylaxis in case of radioactive contamination, free of charge.


  • For eight years now, the pharmaceutical company "Darnytsia" has been assisting the Ukrainian Catholic University.
  • For the year 2024, Darnytsia, together with the Zagoriy Foundation, has donated 4 million UAH for teaching and student scholarships to the Ukrainian Catholic University.
Підтримуємо культуру та прогресивну освіту
Відповідальне споживання та виробництво

Responsible consumption and production

  • Annually, about 70% of waste is sent for recycling.
  • The company operates on the principles of a "Green Office": water purification systems, automatic lighting and heating control have been installed, and separate waste collection has been introduced.
  • The collection and subsequent safe disposal of expired medicinal products have been organized. In 2023, 22 kg of medicines were collected and destroyed, which is 50% more than the previous year.
  • The collection and subsequent disposal of used fluorescent lamps and batteries from company employees is carried out. In 2023, approximately 108.5 kg of spent power sources (batteries and accumulators) were collected, which is twice as much as in 2022.
  • In 2023, the implementation of heat utilization and recovery resulted in a 5% reduction in specific water and gas consumption.