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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.
Terms of use


Any and all material, information and data (including, but not limited to: news, photos, images, artworks, audio and video clips, hereinafter referred to as the “Material”), published on the pages the web-site of the PrJSC “Pharmaceutical Firm “Darnytsia” (the “Company”), are for information purposes only, they do not constitute a ground for legally binding relations or establishing any such relations, except as otherwise expressly stated.

All Material at the Company’s web-site is published “as is” with possible mistakes without any express or implied guarantees or offers.

Texts of the news published on the pages of the “News and events” section (“News”) may be used, reproduced or copied without violation of their integrity, editing or misrepresentation of their content, with mandatory reference to the source published at Publishing active links to such Material without direct reproduction of their content in other media is allowed.

Reproduction, dissemination or other use of information published on the pages of the specialized publication, being a part of the Company’s web-site, are prohibited.

Other Material published on the web-site, including information about the Company, photos, images, artworks, audio and video clips, the author of which is the Company, may be used, reproduced or copied only upon prior written permission of the Company.

It is prohibited to use (duplicate, disseminate, change, etc.) any Material published on the website in any manner for the purpose of distortion of any actual circumstances or events, promotion or incitement of religious, race or interethnic hatred, calling for a violent coup or overthrow of the constitutional system or seizure of the state power, calling for changing administrative boundaries or the state border of Ukraine, breach of order, established by the Constitution of Ukraine, calls for riots, arson, property destruction, takeover of buildings and structures, expulsion of citizens, calls for aggression or initiation of military conflicts.


All Material published on the Company’s website is copyrighted under the laws of Ukraine and international copyright and remains in the ownership and use of the PrJSC “Pharmaceutical Firm “Darnytsia” or the party being the supplier of the Material.

Specialized publication:

The is a specialized publication posted on the Company’s web-site making an integral part thereof, intended for medical institutions and medical officers and containing professional specialized information on medicinal products, including prescription medicines, more specifically on their names, description, modes of administration, medicinal properties, possible adverse effects, possible contraindications, and other professional specialized information.

Information on medicinal products including prescription medicines of the Company is intended for medical institutions and medical officers only for informational purposes and does not constitute a guide for self-determined diagnostics or treatment.


The Company shall not be liable for any eventual consequences of use by a user or visitor of the web-site of any Material published on the Company’s website.

Personal data:

The Company receives, collects and processes anonymized general information in a free form for calculation of data, such as: IP address, date and time of the visit, browser type and language, cookies, total number of visits to the web-site, number of visits to every page of the web-site, names of the Internet access service providers which provided such services to users of the web-site. That is required for proper operation of the web-site, provision of services of the web-site, optimization of its work, as well as protection of integrity of the informational space of the web-site.

Using of the main functionalities of the web-site doesn’t require prior registration or communication of personal data in any other manner from the users.

For communication of information via the form in the “Pharmacovigilance” section, a user shall provide the Company with its unconditional and irrevocable consent to continuing processing of personal data, which may be indicated in the relevant form of the notice (the “Consent”). Personal data processing include any action or series of actions, such as collection, registration, gathering, storage, adaptation, change, updating, use, and dissemination (distribution, disposal, transfer), anonymization, destruction of the communicated personal data.

By giving his/her Consent, a user acknowledges and guarantees that he/she is aware of and understands the rights provided by the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection”, objective of processing of the indicated personal data, and he/she doesn’t require that the Company give notices on transfer of the personal data to any third parties according to the requirements of Article 21 of the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection”.

Consent to the terms of use of the web-site:

Terms of use of the web-site shall apply to all users and visitors of the Company’s web-site.

If you open or view any page of the Company’s web-site, it means that you irrevocably agree with all indicated terms of use. If you do not agree with all the terms of use, you are kindly requested not to visit this web-site.

The terms of use of the web-site may be subject to changes. We recommend you to visit our web-site occasionally to familiarize yourself with the effective Terms of Use of the Web-Site in order to receive up-to-date information.