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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.


Belladonna alkaloids, tertiary amines
As a symptomatic agent in peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, pylorospasm, acute pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, bowel and urinary tract spasms, bronchial asthma, bradycardia due to increased vagal activity, to decrease the secretory activity of the salivary, gastric, bronchial, and occasionally sweat glands; before radiological examination of the gastrointestinal tract (to lower the tone and motility). The drug is indicated for use before anesthesia and surgery, during surgery to prevent bronchial and laryngeal spasm. It decreases the secretory activity of glands as well as reflex reactions and undesirable effects due to the activation of the vagus nerve. As a specific antidote in intoxication with cholinomimetic and anticholinesterases (including phosphoorganic) substances.
Characteristics of the productу:
    • Release formInjectable solution
    • ChildrenAllowed
    • PregnantContraindicated
    • NursingContraindicated
    • Release categoryPrescription medication
    • DriversContraindicated
    • Temperature storage conditionsNot higher than 25 °С
    • Qualitative and quantitative composition:
    • Pharmaceutical form
    • Pharmacotherapeutic group
    • Pharmacological properties
    • Clinical particulars
    • Therapeutic indications
    • Contraindications
    • Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction
    • Special warnings and precautions for use
    • Fertility, pregnancy and lactation
    • Posology and method of administration
    • Children
    • Overdose
    • Undesirable effects
    • Shelf life
    • Special precautions for storage
    • Incompatibilities
    • Nature and contents of container
    • Category of release
    • Manufacturer
    • The manufacturer's location and address of the place of business
    • Date of revision of the text