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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.


Systemic antimicrobial agents. Tetracyclines. Doxycyclinе
Treatment of infections caused by susceptible strains of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria as well as some other microorganisms. Treatment of infections caused by microorganisms susceptible to tetracyclines.
Characteristics of the productу:
    • Release formCapsule
    • ChildrenAllowed from 12 years
    • PregnantContraindicated
    • NursingContraindicated
    • Release categoryPrescription medication
    • DriversContraindicated
    • Temperature storage conditionsNot higher than 25 °С
    • Qualitative and quantitative composition
    • Pharmaceutical form
    • Pharmacotherapeutic group
    • Pharmacological properties.
    • Clinical particulars
    • Therapeutic indications.
    • Contraindications.
    • Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction
    • Special warnings and precautions for use
    • Posology and method of administration
    • Overdose
    • Undesirable effects
    • Shelf life.
    • Special precautions for storage
    • Nature and contents of container
    • Сategory of release
    • Manufacturer
    • The manufacturer's location and address of the place of business
    • Date of last revision