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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.

Calcium gluconate-Darnitsa

Mineral supplements. Calcium drugs. Calcium gluconate
Release forms:
Diseases accompanied by hypocalcemia, increased permeability of cell membranes, impaired nerve impulse transmission in muscle tissue. Hypoparathyroidism (latent tetany, osteoporosis), impaired vitamin D metabolism (rickets, spasmophilia, osteomalacia), hyperphosphatemia in patients with chronic renal failure. Increased calcium requirement (intensive growth period in children and adolescents; pregnancy, breastfeeding), insufficient calcium content in food, its impaired metabolism in the postmenopausal period, bone fractures. Increased calcium excretion (prolonged bed rest, chronic diarrhoea, hypocalcemia due to long-term administration of diuretics, anticonvulsants, and glucocorticosteroids). In complex therapy: bleeding of different aetiology; allergic diseases (serum sickness, urticaria, fever syndrome, itchy dermatoses, angioneurotic oedema); bronchial asthma, alimentary dystrophic oedema, pulmonary tuberculosis, eclampsia, parenchymal hepatitis, toxic liver damage, nephritis. As an antidote for poisoning with magnesium salts, oxalic acid, soluble fluoric acid salts (interaction with calcium gluconate leads to the formation of insoluble and non-toxic calcium oxalate and calcium fluoride).
Characteristics of the productу:
    • Release formTablet with chamfer for division
    • ChildrenAllowed from 3 years
    • PregnantWith caution
    • NursingWith caution
    • Release categoryNon-prescription
    • AllergicsAllowed
    • DriversAllowed
    • Temperature storage conditionsNot higher than 25 °С
    • Qualitative and quantitative composition:
    • Pharmaceutical form.
    • Pharmacotherapeutic group.
    • Pharmacological properties.
    • Clinical particulars.
    • Therapeutic indications.
    • Contraindications.
    • Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction.
    • Special warnings and precautions for use.
    • Overdose.
    • Undesirable effects.
    • Shelf life.
    • Special precautions for storage
    • Nature and contents of container.
    • Category of release.
    • Manufacturer.
    • The manufacturer's location and address of the place of business.
    • Date of last revision.