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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.

Darnytsia Joins the VISION International Biotechnology Educational Project

Pharmaceutical Company ‘Darnytsia’ participates in VISION international educational project.

The participation will allow specialists of the leading national pharmaceutical manufacturer to improve the competencies necessary for the production of drugs based on RNA technology.

The project is implemented within the Horizon Europe Framework Programme, funded by the European Commission. The main objectives of VISION are to provide its participants with advanced knowledge and skills in the development of vaccines and biologically active substances, to structure cooperation between the academic and business sectors, and to create regional centres for innovative biotechnological research.

As part of the project, the Pasteur Institute of Paris and Tunis, Merck, Quantoom Bioscience, the Centre for Genomic Regulation (Barcelona), and the Torlak Institute of Serbia will share their experience. It’s the first time that the project of this scale with the involvement of such advanced technologies is being implemented with the participation of Ukrainian business.

‘The RNA technology transfer project, which Darnytsia has joined, will not only allow us to independently produce effective vaccines against COVID-19 and many other diseases, but is also an opportunity for Ukraine to become part of the world of leading biotechnologies, for Ukrainian specialists to maximize their talents, and for Ukrainian companies to find a new dimension of business. We still have a lot of work ahead of us, but the possibilities are impressive, to say the least’, Ihor Nykyforchyn, Medical Affairs Director at Pharmaceutical Company ‘Darnytsia’, says.

The programme of experience exchange and mastering the RNA-based technology of vaccines and biologically active substances is designed for four years. During this time, Darnytsia specialists will gain the knowledge they need at workplaces in VISION participating members.