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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.

Darnitsa is the first Ukrainian company to join The Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society

Darnitsa Pharmaceutical Company has become a member of The Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society (RAPS) - the world's largest organization of specialists in regulation of healthcare and related products (medicines, medical devices, biologics and food products). RAPS is headquartered in the United States near Washington, D.C., with offices and affiliates around the world.

As part of participation in the global network "Darnitsa" is going to concentrate on advancing and enhancing the standards for documents preparation, conducting clinical tests, ensuring the quality and acceptance of medications in the market and monitoring their usage.

Oleksandr Torhun, director in regulatory issues of the pharmaceutical company "Darnitsa": "In an emergency situation in the global healthcare system caused by the pandemic COVID-19, the regulatory specialists have faced new challenges in all countries of the world." RAPS has the necessary resources to tackle the challenges. Joining the Society, "Darnitsa" has received new opportunities to improve professional competencies in this area. We have obtained additional tools to expand accessibility of safe and effective medical treatment, namely by increasing the standards of work in the regulatory sphere.

Founded in 1976, RAPS is a non-profit organization that develops professional standards in the field of regulation, conducts research, promotes knowledge-sharing and networking, and conducts certification of specialists (RAC)