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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.

Darnytsia Continues to Increase its Efforts to Conserve Energy Resources and Protect the Environment

Rational use of water, energy, and gas, as well as control of greenhouse gas emissions and waste processing remain important components of the strategy of Pharmaceutical Company ‘Darnytsia’ to achieve environmental neutrality. Within its framework, in 2023, the company managed to significantly increase the rate of disposal of hazardous waste, used batteries, and emission filtration.

Compared to 2022, last year, Darnytsia reduced emissions of all greenhouse gases established by the list of Permit for Emissions of Pollutants into the Atmospheric Air. In particular, thanks to gas treatment plants and filters, 1,000 tons less carbon dioxide, 1,000 tons less nitrogen dioxide, 0.3 tons less carbon monoxide were released into the atmosphere. Methane emissions also decreased — 0.08 tons against 0.1 tons in 2022.

Energy efficiency measures are also yielding results: in 2023, the consumption of natural gas by the company’s production lines decreased by almost 400 thousand cubic metres, including by optimizing the consumption and using electric heating systems. The heat recovery project has further reduced the specific consumption of water and gas by 5%.

In addition, Darnytsia consistently increases the volume of responsible disposal of both ordinary household and hazardous solid waste. The company consistently maintains the level of recycling of hazardous waste above 70% and actively increases the rates of transfer for disposal of toxic and biohazardous materials. In 2023, 22 kg of expired medicines were collected and transferred for destruction, as well as more than 108 kg of batteries and accumulators — this is 50% and 100% more, respectively, compared to 2022.

‘A responsible pharmaceutical company has no right to produce medicines for treatment of diseases and at the same time increase health risks by producing harmful emissions. Therefore, Darnytsia uses the best technologies and production practices to guarantee both the quality of medicines and a safe environment for Ukrainians’, Ihor Perepelytsia, Technical Director at Pharmaceutical Company ‘Darnytsia’, said.

This approach extends not only to the company’s production shops and facilities. As part of the ‘green office’ concept, water purification, automatic lighting and heat supply control systems have been installed in the premises for personnel, separate waste collection has been introduced, and a complete replacement of fluorescent lamps with LED lamps is planned by the end of 2024.