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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.
18 March 2020

Darnitsa Keeps on Supplying Ukrainians with Necessary Medicines

The Covid-19 pandemic is a test for the society, business and the state. It is a check of our common responsibility.

Responsibility is close to us because it is one of the four values of Darnitsa and has always been a part of our culture.

We are responsible to our employees. Therefore, since March 18, our office switches to telecommuting.

But our production facilities keep on functioning, because we are responsible to patients. Millions of Ukrainians need the medicines manufactured at Darnitsa every day. Understanding this, we have done everything necessary to keep the production going. We have provided protection to our staff in accordance with the recommendations of the MoH and WHO, and have taken measures for their safe transportation.

Today, as never before, we stand in full solidarity with physicians and therefore continue to produce high-quality and safe medicines in accordance with the requirements of the world GMP standard.

We are responsible to the society. Therefore, together with the Zagoriy Foundation, we give three lung ventilators to the Kyiv Emergency Care Hospital. According to the experience of other countries, it is these devices that are lacking during the Covid-19 epidemic.

Responsibility and support is what we all need right now. We believe that together we will overcome this challenge.

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