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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.
23 June 2022

Darnitsa launches large-scale educational project on PTSD

Darnitsa Pharmaceutical Company is conducting training for the professional community, as well as launching an online information platform for patients and doctors as part of a large educational project to raise awareness of Ukrainians about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

According to statistics, the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder in countries where combat have taken place ranges from 11% to 50% of the population*. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric disorder that may occur in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event (war, combat, a natural disaster, a serious accident, a terrorist act or rape).

With the support of Darnitsa, a series of educational webinars* for doctors was held with the participation of leading experts in the field of medical psychology and psychiatry. Lectures focused on the nature of PTSD and its consequences, as well as ways to rehabilitate patients with PTSD in general practice. The events aroused considerable interest in the professional community: more than 1,700 health professionals attended them. In particular, psychiatrists, neurologists, psychologists, child psychiatrists and neurologists, family doctors and other specialists joined these events.

In addition to organizing conferences for the professional development of doctors, Darnitsa Pharmaceutical Company has created an information platform about PTSD. Patients can find information on the platform about the main PTSD manifestations, learn about potential risk factors, approaches to treatment and prevention. Later there will be a section for doctors with professional content, lectures from leading experts in the field, world guidelines. The resource will be updated and supplemented with professional materials.***

“War is an incredibly difficult trial for the psycho-emotional state of people. And, unfortunately, many have witnessed traumatic events, which has led and will lead to a significant prevalence of post-traumatic disorders. It is important to disseminate information about PTSD in all possible ways to prevent serious consequences of this condition. We at Darnitsa are creating a platform that can be an informational support for people who have experienced the disorder, as well as for professionals involved in diagnosis and treatment,” said Lidiia Honchar-Cherdakli, Ph.D. in Medicine, Deputy Director for Medical Affairs at Darnitsa.

The company plans to continue working in this direction, organize special media projects and other educational events to raise awareness of doctors and patients on this issue. After all, the issue of PTSD is extremely relevant for our country, which is in a state of the full-scale war. As previously reported, in particular, the office of the First Lady of Ukraine has launched a nationwide initiative to promote mental health and psychosocial support for citizens.


PRJSC Pharmaceutical Company Darnitsa was founded in 1930. Since 1998, Darnitsa has been a leader in Ukraine in terms of production of medicinal products by volume. Strategic areas of the portfolio development include cardiology, neurology, and pain management.

* Bisson JI, Cosgrove S, Lewis C, et al; Post-traumatic stress disorder. BMJ. 2015 Nov 26351:h6161. doi: 10.1136/bmj.h6161 Dumke L. et al. SSM - Mental Health 1 (2021) 1000052

**”At the crossroads of neurology and psychiatry. Post-traumatic conditions”, May 18, 2022 in partnership with the International Association of Medicine; “Patient with post-traumatic stress disorder - how to identify and help in time”, May 26, 2022 with the support of the Rimon Solidarity Foundation for the Reconstruction of Medicine in Ukraine; Professional school “Post-traumatic stress disorder. What to do and how to act?”, June 3, 2022 in partnership with the International Association of Medicine

*** The platform is informational and in no way intended for self-diagnosis and self-treatment. If symptoms occur, consult a specialist.

  • «Дарниця» розпочинає масштабний освітній проєкт про ПТСР
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