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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.
23 April 2024

Darnytsia Told About the Possibilities of Digital Transformation for the Healthcare Industry

Serhii Kolchyk, Head of the Analytics and Digital Innovation Department of Darnytsia Pharmaceutical Company, took part in the annual practical conference for product managers of pharmaceutical companies.

Using the example of the work of Darnytsia, he told about the possibilities of digital transformation for the healthcare industry.

In his speech, Serhii focused on generative technologies, digital assistants in the pharmaceutical business, as well as innovative solutions that can become a reliable basis for the development of personalized medicine.

He also shared his experience of using advanced analytics. In particular, it helps Darnytsia quickly find the necessary information, process it, evaluate the current situation in the market, and also make more accurate forecasts about the future trends, challenges and prospects of the market.

Serhii Kolchyk also told about the practical aspect of the use of intelligent chatbots by medical representatives. Thus, with their help, one can get instant answers to any questions, and therefore, do his work faster and more efficiently.

“Digital solutions are the future. I am sure that they can be useful not only for a specific pharmaceutical business, but also for the entire healthcare industry. Such solutions have the potential to improve the quality of medical services, better meet the needs of the population and bring the field of health care to a qualitatively new level,” Serhii Kolchyk, Head of the Analytics and Digital Innovation Department of Darnytsia pharmaceutical company, concluded in his speech.

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