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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.

Darnytsia is expanding the geography of its export markets

The pharmaceutical company “Darnytsia” reports that one of its products has been shipped to Australia. This is the first delivery of the drug after obtaining registration in the country.

Last year “Darnytsia” successfully passed the appropriate procedure to have the Ukrainian Certificate of Compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP Clearance Procedure) recognised by the Australian Regulatory Authority (TGA). This serious procedure took 11 months.

“Australia is not just another country on the map of our export markets. Australia is a country with one of the strictest regulations in the world. And the fact of registration and the start of shipments of our first drug to this continent confirms that Ukrainian manufacturers who have a GMP certificate can seriously compete with international giants. And the quality of “Darnytsia” medicines is in no way inferior to foreign analogues”, - emphasized Anna Pavliuk-Gavrylova, head of the department for international registration and entering new markets.

In the medium-term perspective, “Darnytsia” plans to enter the markets of Southeast Asia. The EU countries are also in the focus of expanding the geography of exports. Another new priority market is African countries.

After analyzing the statistics of diseases in the world, the company prioritized such export directions that reflect the most common diseases: cardiology, neurology, infectious diseases and pain problems.


PrJSC Pharmaceutical Company “Darnytsia” was founded in 1930. Since 1998, “Darnytsia” has been the leader in Ukraine in terms of volume of production. Strategic areas of portfolio development – cardiology, neurology, solving pain problems