Darnitsa Developed a Training Program for Specialists of Pharmaceutical Companies in Collaboration with UKRMEDCERT
Darnitsa Pharmaceutical Company has developed a training program for specialists of pharmaceutical companies together with UKRMEDCERT Training Center. The initiative is aimed at expanding the use of digital technologies in the regulatory process and the pharmacovigilance system in Ukraine.
During the first module “Digital Technologies in Pharmacovigilance”, Oleksandr Torhun, the Regulatory Affairs Director of Darnitsa, and Viacheslav Turok, the Qualified Person Responsible for Pharmacovigilance, told about the peculiarities of the use of modern digital tools for increasing the efficiency of the pharmacovigilance system.
The information content of the module covers the creation of a modern digital pharmacovigilance system, the challenges faced by it, and the analysis of tools used to automate these processes. The module was attended by managers and specialists of medical and regulatory departments of companies, pharmacovigilance specialists.
Oleksandr Torhun, the Regulatory Affairs Director of Darnitsa Pharmaceutical Company: “Digitalization is changing the healthcare system, increasing its effectiveness and patient orientation. Being proactive, Darnitsa was one of the first to start the process of digital transformation and digitalization of the regulatory function, as well as the creation of a digital platform for the pharmacovigilance process. This is still a rare experience for Ukraine, therefore together with UKRMEDCERT Training Center we have developed an educational program in order to share the practical experience in implementing digital systems and thus accelerate positive changes in the Ukrainian pharmaceutical industry.”
Darnitsa’s specialists familiarized their colleagues with the wider possibilities of the digital pharmacovigilance system as compared with its classic format. In particular, the digitalization of this function makes it possible to optimize and at the same time speed up the collection and processing of data coming from different sources, to solve the problem of their possible loss. The system also provides the means to quickly collect data contained in scientific publications and the press, giving experts a fuller picture of reports on a particular phenomenon or drug.
Looking forward, the digital pharmacovigilance system will enable the company to successfully comply with requirements of foreign regulators and increase the safety of medicinal products.
In total, in 2021, Darnitsa specialists will hold 13 lecture modules for students of UKRMEDCERT Training Center. The next event will be held in May, it will cover the practical experience of implementing an electronic drug master file.