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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.


Darnitsa Pharmaceutical Company, together with the charitable Zagoriy Foundation and Interchem Pharmaceutical Company, implemented a project for drying the foundations and walls of the St. Sophia’s Cathedral and adjacent monastic structures from excessive moisture by means of the Swiss innovative equipment BioDry.

St. Sophia’s Cathedral is one of the most prominent historical monuments included to the UNESCO World Heritage list. The cathedral is the spiritual center where the unique knowledge base of the Ukrainian people for the last millennium is concentrated. Thanks to art patrons who restored the cathedral in different historical periods after enemy invasions and natural disasters, its ancient architecture and the word’s fullest ensemble of original mosaics and frescos of the 11th century have been preserved. It has 260 sq.m. of mosaics and 3,000 sq.m. of frescos which are genuine masterpieces of the world art.

The tradition of preserving the “health” of St. Sophia of Kyiv was supported by the art patrons of our times - the pharmaceutical companies “Interchem” and “Darnitsa”. Thanks to them, the innovative BioDry system (Switzerland) was purchased for the natural restoration of the proper level of humidity of the foundation and walls. The equipment will help to eliminate the problem of excessive moisture accumulation and restore the microclimate in the buildings of the cathedral, and preserve this unique monument of the past for future generations. A similar technology is used to preserve cultural and artistic heritage throughout the world.

Nelia Kukovalska, General Director of the National Conservation Area “St. Sophia of Kyiv”: “Pharmacists and museum workers are united by one common extremely important mission – taking care of health. While in the area of healthcare it is about human health, we, museum workers, take care of the “health” of landmarks. That is why we are sincerely grateful to our art patrons for broadening the treatment horizons and giving an effective medicine to St. Sophia of Kyiv!”

Dmytro Shymkiv, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Darnitsa Group: “We have found the most innovative solution used to preserve cultural monuments throughout the world. This technology is biocompatible with the environment. It is already working and will naturally eliminate the root cause of dampness in the foundation and walls, which hide many more secrets which have yet to be discovered. Therefore, following the example of Ivan Mazepa, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi and Petro Mohyla, we “treat” the St. Sophia’s so that it preserves its greatness, unites past and future generations and fills life with true values, and Orans keeps protecting Kyiv.”

Anatolii Reder, General Director of “Interchem” ALC: “We could not stay aside when the thousand year old monument of spirituality and culture of the country was under a threat. It is believed that Our Lady Orans in the St. Sophia’s is the defender of Kyiv, more reliable than high walls. No wonder it was called the "Indestructible Wall": the fact that it came to us in its original form is a real miracle. So when the cathedral was threatened by excessive moisture, we did not hesitate for a moment. Fruitful cooperation with partners and management of the conservation area has yielded comforting results: moisture leaves the walls - Sophia recovers. We are glad that we have helped the main symbol of spirituality to survive. After all, legends say: as long as Sophia stands, and there is Orans in it, Kyiv and Ukraine stand.”

Kateryna Zagoriy, co-founder of the Zagoriy Foundation: “It is a real miracle and a common merit of Ukrainians that we have managed to preserve the cathedral of the 11th century. We have to thank scientists, builders, restorers, museum staff for this. And, of course, art patrons of all times. It is a great honor for us, to join their work. Reconstruction of Sophia during the time of Ivan Mazepa was the symbol of the restoration of Ukraine after the Ruin. I am positive that this joint project of the Zagoriy Foundation, pharmaceutical companies “Darnitsa” and “Interchem” will be another important step towards restoring the culture of charity in our country.”

Information about the project

Background information about the companies

Darnitsa Pharmaceutical Company is the largest manufacturer of medicines in Ukraine, dating its history back to 1930. In 2019, Darnitsa announced the transformation of its business. The company carried out rebranding, changed the logo and presented a new strategy - building an international brand, leadership in the generic segment of medicines and digitalization of processes. Darnitsa’s product portfolio includes more than 280 different drugs in 15 dosage forms. The company focuses on the treatment of the most common diseases in the field of cardiology, neurology and pain management. The therapeutic effect and safety profile of Darnitsa’s medicines has been confirmed in the course of research conducted in accordance with international standards

“Interchem” Pharmaceutical Company is one of the leading pharmaceutical enterprises of the country. It was established in 1992 by the developer and manufacturer of original medicinal products and pain medications for seriously ill and cancer patients. The company is the supplier of medicines under programs of the Global Fund to Fight AIDs, tuberculosis and malaria. In 2016, “Interchem” invested EUR50 mln. in the project for creation of a state-of-the-art laboratory and production complex. In 2019, the enterprise paid more than UAH 140 mln. of taxes and duties to the state budget of Ukraine. “Interchem” is a member of the association “Medicine Manufacturers of Ukraine”.

The charitable Zagoriy Foundation was established in 2015 by Glib, Kateryna and Volodymyr Zagoriy for implementation of charitable projects. The Zagoriy Foundation systematically implements the experience of charity work accumulated by generations of the Zagoriy family. The priority of the foundation's activity is the development of the culture of charity in Ukraine. In this direction, the fund carries out sustainable projects and individual activities.