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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.
29 February 2024

Darnytsia Paid UAH 631.5 Million in Taxes to the Budget in 2023

Pharmaceutical Company ‘Darnytsia’ paid UAH 631.5 million in taxes and fees to the State Budget of Ukraine in 2023.

The Company demonstrated a significant increase in taxes paid: last year, it paid UAH 631.5 million to the budget, which is 31% more than the amount paid in 2022 — UAH 481 million.

‘The growth of business during wartime and the resulting growth of tax payments allows Darnytsia to effectively support the state in terms of filling the State Budget revenues. We will continue to implement strategies to expand both domestic and export markets to strengthen this support’, Hanna Demchenko, CFO at Pharmaceutical Company ‘Darnytsia’, said.

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