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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.

In 2019 Darnitsa Increased the Net Product Sales Income

In 2019 Darnitsa Pharmaceutical Company earned the net product sales income in the amount of UAH 3,312 bln., which is 10.3% more than in 2018.

According to the company’s financial report, the net profit increased by 30%. The profits tax of Darnitsa for the year 2019 amounted to UAH 120.6 mio.

Dmytro Shymkiv, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Darnitsa Group, reported that Darnitsa had allocated nearly 10% of income for the projects of the company’s digital transformation and development of new medicinal products.

In 2019 Darnitsa carried out the rebranding and presented the new business philosophy, values and strategic objectives – development of the international pharmaceutical brand, ensuring leadership in complex generics and digitalization of all processes.