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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.

“Darnitsa” joined the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry

April 12, 2023. The pharmaceutical company Darnitsa, a leading manufacturer of medicines in Ukraine, announced that it has entered into the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), which is an important step in the development of the company’s international partnerships.

“We are glad to join forces with LCCI, becoming the first representative of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical industry in this business community,” emphasized Andrii Obrizan, CEO of Darnitsa pharmaceutical company. “Such cooperation reaffirms our readiness to expand our international presence and develop new partnerships in various sectors.”

Integration with LCCI will allow “Darnitsa” to more effectively establish new connections with other international players in the industry. This step is made within the company’s long-term strategy to expand its activities outside Ukraine. Now the company exports its products to 15 countries of the world, and also has a wide portfolio of drugs, consisting of about 180 brands.

The London Chamber of Commerce and Industry has been the center of the business community of one of the largest financial capitals of the world for more than 140 years. It offers a wide range of services that help companies develop. Joining LCCI gives access to the widest possible opportunities that can strengthen companies in both local and international markets - from participation in large-scale events to individual consultations for representatives of various industries.


PrJSC Pharmaceutical Company “Darnitsa” was founded in 1930. Since 1998, “Darnitsa” has been the leader in Ukraine in terms of volume of production. Strategic areas of portfolio development – cardiology, neurology, solving pain problems.

  • «Дарниця» вступила до Лондонської торгово-промислової палати