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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.
18 March 2024

Darnytsia Ensured Professional Accreditation For the Course of Mental Disorders Webinars for Healthcare Specialists

Darnytsia Pharmaceutical Company has accredited an educational course “Mental Disorders and Work with Psychotrauma During the War” for healthcare specialists, launched in 2023 in partnership with the Ukrainian Psychosomatic Medicine Association (UPMA).  

This training program aims at providing primary and secondary health care specialists with the knowledge and skills necessary to work with patients who have experienced psychological trauma or suffer from mental disorders. After accreditation of the course under the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) system, doctors will receive 10 CPD points and a corresponding certificate for each completed webinar. New study materials will be available to doctors on a monthly basis.  

“Our joint initiative with the UPMA is aimed at providing primary and secondary care physicians with the opportunity to systematically improve their qualifications in the field of mental health. The study materials selected for the course, accredited by CPD points, will become a valuable tool for doctors to provide high-quality care to people who have faced mental health disorders caused by the horrors of the war,” Lidiia Honchar-Cherdakli, Deputy Director for Medical Affairs of Darnytsia Pharmaceutical Company, says.  

In addition to leading experts from Ukraine, recognized international professionals working with mental trauma and its consequences from the United States of America, Israel, the Netherlands and Canada, who specialize in mental health problems caused by hostilities, were involved in the creation of the course.  

Learn more about the course here.  

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