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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.
15 April 2021

Darnitsa Increases the Amount of Recyclable Waste

In 2020, Darnitsa Pharmaceutical Company increased the amount of wastes sent for recycling by 1 p.p. to 69.3%. Alongside the annual growth of pharmaceutical production, over the past three years, the company has increased the amount of waste sent for recycling due to the functioning of an efficient waste management system.

Darnitsa is the largest manufacturer of medicines in Ukraine with the share in physical sales of 14.4%. The company’s product range includes 15 dosage forms (tablets, capsules, sachets, drops, parenteral solutions of various volumes, etc.). On average, Darnitsa produces 667,000 packages of various drugs every day. In the course of the manufacturing process, a significant amount of waste is generated, at least 65% of which the company sends for recycling.

To save wood and reduce energy consumption for the production of cellulose cardboard, Darnitsa uses auxiliary materials made from waste paper. In particular, for secondary packaging of products, packs made from waste paper cardboard are partially used. Such packaging has sufficient durability in the course of manufacturing and operation, reliably protects products from damages, ensures the preservation of their properties throughout the period of use.

Andrii Obrizan, General Director of Darnitsa Pharmaceutical Company:

“We work on the gradual reduction of the impact on the environment by reducing resource consumption, emissions and waste generation. Thanks to the latest technologies and approaches to manufacturing and business processes used at Darnitsa, we maintain a positive trend – in 2020, 361 tons of waste or 69.3% of its total amount were sent for recycling.”

About a third part of the total amount of wastes is pharmaceutical waste – raw materials and drugs that have not passed the quality control, waste from the research and industrial site of the R&D department, as well as waste generated during the manufacturing of medicines. Wastes of this class are not recyclable, so the company transfers them for disposal/destruction to specialized companies that have a relevant license. Fluorescent lamps installed at the manufacturing site are also gradually replaced with more environmentally friendly LED lamps.

Since 2010, Darnitsa has introduced a system of separate collection and sorting of waste in the course of manufacturing of medicines. Every year, the company passes for recycling up to two-thirds of its total waste and is constantly looking for ways to reduce its environmental impact.

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