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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.
08 November 2019

Instructions for visitors


During a visit, the visitor must follow the rules of internal labor regulations of Darnitsa.


The visitor must always carry the badge with him/her and present it to the security staff or security guard immediately upon request. At the end of the visit, the visitor must return the badge to the security guard.


It is prohibited to hand over the badge or one-time pass to third parties.


Photo, video and audio recording is prohibited in the territory of the company without the relevant written permission of the General Director.


Smoking in the territory of the enterprise, inside buildings and premises is prohibited, except for specially designated places marked with relevant signs.


Security surveillance is carried out in the territory of the company, in accordance with internal rules. The visitor's signature certifies consent to the company's right to use video files with his/her image, except for commercial purposes.

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