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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.
20 April 2021

Implementation of advanced scientific ideas in Ukraine can bring billions of hryvnias to the budget

The implementation of advanced scientific ideas in Ukraine, which can bring billions of hryvnias to the budget, is overcomplicated by the excessive bureaucracy along the way. This opinion was expressed in an interview with radio “Novoe Vremya” by the chairman of the Darnitsa Group board of directors Dmytro Shymkiv.

“If we talk about basic research, universities are usually the hubs. And for a scientist who created a certain idea on the basis of the university, there are legal obstacles that limit his ability to commercialize the idea,” said Dmytro Shymkiv.

The studies of young promising scientists in Ukraine are hampered not only by the lack of funds. One would have to make special efforts both in the field of copyright protection and in optimizing the over-regulated scientific environment. It is also important, according to Shymkiv, to raise the status of scientists in society, in particular, by overcoming the contempt for people engaged in science that was formed after the collapse of the USSR.

“Scientists used to be respected people, today, unfortunately, associate professors and graduate students are not always treated with due respect. Moreover, there is plagiarism, corruption in the defense of doctoral dissertations. We see that many are “scientists” only on paper. These are people who have not created anything, but have the appropriate title. And here in all this “dirt” the young scientist has to make his way, - Shymkiv told, answering questions of the editor-in-chief of the project of NV Vitaly Sych as to what interferes with development of innovations in Ukraine.

Businesses, on their part, could contribute in a way by investing in modern equipment for laboratories and research centers, if the state had created the right conditions.

“If we talk about technoparks, incubators, the state should allow business to finance them, understanding that this way we finance science. Today we are offered to make such investments only from profits. At the same time, we finance culture, science, corporate and social initiatives from profits as well,” said Dmytro Shymkiv, adding that in many developed countries, private companies have the opportunity to reduce the tax burden by obtaining a tax credit due to funding the science. In Ukraine, however, there is practically no such incentive for enterprises.

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