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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.
25 January 2021

New Mucolytic DVATSE – the Result of International Cooperation of Darnitsa with a European Manufacturer

DVATSE is a medicinal product used to treat acute and chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. DVATSE is the result of cooperation with a European manufacturer specializing in the development of granules for oral solutions, effervescent granules and tablets, as well as tablets that dissolve in the oral cavity.

Andrii Obrizan, General Director of Darnitsa Pharmaceutical Company: “Darnitsa is an active player in the field of international cooperation. We develop partnerships with European companies in the field of product development. Our partners from Italy, Spain, Ireland, Greece, Poland and Bulgaria are high-tech companies like Darnitsa, they have their own patented technologies, so such cooperation accelerates the emergence of new quality medicines in the Ukrainian market.”

DVATSE is produced in the form of effervescent tablets containing acetylcysteine as the active substance. It is indicated for acute and chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, accompanied by increased sputum production. Acetylcysteine in the medicinal product facilitates the discharge of sputum. In addition, acetylcysteine boosts the synthesis of glutathione, which is an important factor in detoxification. This feature of acetylcysteine makes it possible to use it as an antidote in cases of acute poisoning by paracetamol and other substances (aldehydes, phenols, etc.)

DVATSE is available in two pharmaceutical forms – DVATSE 200, effervescent tablets, 200 mg each No. 20 and DVATSE LONG, effervescent tablets, 600 mg each No. 10. The medicinal product has a convenient primary package in the form of a tube with a hermetic cap ensuring the protection against moisture and easy-to-use.

The medicinal product is available without prescription and is recommended for children from the age of 2 years old. Certificate of state registration of DVATSE 200 UA/18138/01/01, DVATSE LONG UA/18139/01/01).

Since January 25 DVATSE has been available in pharmacies throughout Ukraine (save for the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and temporary occupied territories of Ukraine).

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