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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.
15 February 2022

Darnitsa’s Medicinal Products Participate in the Affordable Medicines Program

Reimbursement is the state system of reimbursement of costs (full or partial) for medical treatment of certain categories of medicines. The selection criteria for such list are the specific active substance (molecule), form of presentation and price threshold.

In Ukraine, this system is represented by the state program “Affordable Medicines”, which has been successfully functioning since 2017*. Initially, the program covered only medicines for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, bronchial asthma and type II diabetes mellitus. But it expands every year. This year, for example, it is planned to include medicines for people with Parkinson’s disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease**.

The strategic plan of the state to expand the list of medicines for reimbursement was announced during the thematic forum “Reimbursement 2022”, which was held in January. As the list of medicinal products expands, so does the number of patients who receive the medicines they need to maintain good health and, as a result, improve their quality of life.

As of the beginning of 2022, Darnitsa was represented in the Affordable Medicines Program by nine medicinal products under international nonproprietary names, three of which are included in 100% reimbursement (i.e. the patient receives them free of charge). These are medicines for cardiovascular diseases (Amiodarone-Darnitsa, Cardio-Dar, Verapamil-Darnitsa, Enalapril-Darnitsa, Nifedipine-Darnitsa), antiepileptic drugs (Carbamazepine-Darnitsa), potassium-sparing and highly active diuretics (Spironolactone-Darnitsa, Furosemide-Darnitsa).***

If in 2020 the medicines under the program were received by 157 thousand patients monthly, in 2021, according to the National Health Service (NHSU), this figure was already 175 thousand. And the funding has grown from UAH 940 million in 2020 to almost UAH 1.4 billion in 2021.**

It is should be noted that the reimbursement program still has room for development. Modern approaches in the health technologies assessment (HTA) make it possible to compare the cost of the effect of different medicinal products of one class. For example, the section “Hypolipidemic drugs” can be safely supplemented with a molecule of rosuvastatin, which is much more effective than simvastatin, or can even replace it. Everyone will benefit from this, because with the same money more patients will reach their target lipid level, and therefore there will be fewer cardiovascular complications. The list could include combination drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, which in turn is a common phenomenon in modern medical practice and may be more cost-effective for the state. It has been proven that patients are more favorably disposed towards fixed combinations, so the treatment is more effective.

“As a reliable partner and the leader of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market,**** Darnitsa has always supported and continues supporting the government initiatives, that is why we naturally participate in the Affordable Medicines Program. But it is necessary to improve the quality of this program in close cooperation with pharmaceutical companies,” emphasized Roman Shkotov, Director of the Department for Marketing and Sales of Generic Brands of Darnitsa Pharmaceutical Company.

During a recent visit to the plant of Darnitsa Pharmaceutical Company, Viktor Liashko, the Minister of Health, saw for himself the high level of efficiency and quality of the production, which can not only fully cover the needs of Ukrainians in medicines, but also significantly increase exports. Darnitsa is the undisputed leader in terms of drug production in Ukraine.****

The forum “Reimbursement 2022” was held in Kyiv on January 19. The event was supported by the USAID Safe, Affordable and Effective Medicine for Ukrainians (SAFEMed) project. The event was attended by representatives of national and regional healthcare departments, pharmaceutical manufacturers, pharmacy representatives and distributors of medicines.

Background information

Darnitsa Pharmaceutical Company PrJSC was established in 1930. Since 1998, Darnitsa has been the leader in Ukraine in terms of production of medicines by volume. The strategic areas of the portfolio development are cardiology, neurology, pain management. In the last five years, Darnitsa has launched 63 new pharmaceutical brands.


** Order of the Ministry of Health No. 100 dated 18 January 2022 “On Approval of the Register of Maximum Wholesale Prices for Medicinal Products Subject to Reimbursement under the Program of State Guarantees of Medical Care for the Public, as of January 14, 2022” //

*** Amiodarone-Darnitsa MA No. UA/6506/01/01, Cardio-Dar MA Nos. UA/18901/01/01, UA/18901/01/02, Verapamil-Darnitsa MA Nos. UA/3582/01/01, UA/3582/01/02, Enalapril-Darnitsa MA No. UA/9020/01/01, Nifedipine-Darnitsa MA No. UA/4738/02/01, Carbamazepine-Darnitsa MA No.UA/2579/01/01, Spironolactone-Darnitsa MA Nos. UA/0808/01/01, UA/0808/01/02, Furosemide-Darnitsa MA No. UA/2353/01/01.

****by volume Proxima Research, 2021

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