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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.
01 June 2021

Ritosse® Ivy – a New Herbal Syrup for a Cough

Darnitsa Pharmaceutical Company has presented a new medicinal product, Ritosse® Ivy, for use as part of combined therapy for a wet cough. The product supplemented the line of the Ritosse brand consisting of two medicinal products with the relevant action in the form of syrup which may be used for various types of cough.

At the initial stage of development of acute laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia and as an equivalent of an attack of bronchial asthma, there may be a dry, irritating cough. It is accompanied by painful attacks that do not bring relief to the patient. For the treatment of dry cough, medicines that reduce inflammation and irritation, soothe cough are used. These are the properties of Ritosse Plantain – a plant preparation. The instruction for the medicinal product states that as part of combined therapy it has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action, dilutes sputum, promotes expectoration, which improves the patient's condition.

Productive, wet cough or cough with sputum is noted in diseases of the respiratory tract, which are accompanied by abundant secretion of bronchial mucus and the formation of exudate – fluid formed at the location of lesion. As part of combined therapy of a wet cough, as well as for the symptomatic treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of the bronchi, a new medicinal product Ritosse® Ivy is used.

The name of the medicine, derived from Italian - Rimedioperlatosse, literally means a cough medicine. Due to dry ivy leaf extract in its content, Ritosse® Ivy reduces the viscosity of sputum and facilitates its excretion. The medicine does not contain alcohol and sugar and provides the possibility of combined administration with antibiotics.

Ritosse® Ivy  is manufactured in the form of syrup in bottles of 100 ml. Due to the liquid form, the medicine is easy to use for children and adults.

Available without prescription. Allowed for use for children from 1 year of age and adults.

Marketing authorization UA/18588/01/01.


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