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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.
21 February 2022

Telegram-Channel “Darnitsa: Simply about Health” among TOP-10 Most Popular in Its Category

The information resource of Darnitsa Pharmaceutical Company in the Telegram messenger hit the top ten most popular channels in “Health and Fitness” category*. According to the citation index, the channel took the 5th place in its sector. 

The channel “Darnitsa: Simply about Health” ** was launched in October 2021. In just four months of its existence, more than 4.5 thousand users have subscribed to it. Currently, it is the only socially oriented Telegram resource in Ukraine, launched by a pharmaceutical company.

According to an opinion poll*** conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, among those Ukrainians who are in good health, 85% of respondents consider themselves happy. Those who have some health problems feel happy in only 40% of cases.

Well-being not only directly affects satisfaction with life, it is a constant source of so-called “subjective stress”. According to “Trends 2021” study by GradusResearch, worries about the health of their loved ones and their own are ranked fourth and fifth, respectively, among the most common causes of stress of Ukrainians.

In order to raise public awareness of health issues and help to relieve unnecessary stress caused by the lack of reliable information, Darnitsa has launched its own channel on the platform that has been selected as the most convenient and effective for communicating with a wide audience. According to the same GradusResearch study, 42% of Ukrainians aged 18 to 30 prefer Internet resources as sources of information. Among all messengers, Telegram ranks second in popularity in Ukraine: it is regularly used by 58% of citizens. And the audience of the messenger keeps on growing.

“Simply about Health” is not only the name, but also the ideology of the Darnitsa’s Telegram channel. In order to always be where we are needed, Darnitsa closely monitors trends, including the development of social networks and messengers. We believe that communication with Ukrainians about the most pressing and common health problems in a concise and positive format is one of the best ways to improve the health of not only the media space amidst the pandemic, but also the nation itself,” said Iryna Lerman, the Director of Marketing Communications Department of Darnitsa Pharmaceutical Company.

“Darnitsa: Simply about Health” Telegram channel will come in handy to Ukrainians with medical education and ordinary citizens. Everything you wanted to know in one place: whether medicines may be taken on an empty stomach, how to recover from covid, how to preserve eyesight or even how to keep warm in the office. Everything is plain and simple and concise in a convenient format right on your smartphone. Health is simple with Darnitsa.

Background information

Darnitsa Pharmaceutical Company PrJSC was established in 1930. Since 1998, Darnitsa has been the leader in Ukraine in terms of production of medicines by volume. The strategic areas of the portfolio development are cardiology, neurology, pain management. In the last five years, Darnitsa has launched 63 new pharmaceutical brands.

*according to as of February 21, 2022

** The information on this Telegram channel is for information purposes only and cannot be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. At the first symptoms, consult a physician to determine an accurate diagnosis

*** Self-assessment of the state of health of the population of Ukraine, April 2021 / Kyiv International Institute of Sociology //

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