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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.

In 2022, “Darnitsa” released 18 new medicines

The domestic pharmaceutical company “Darnitsa” released 18 new medicines on the market in 2022. Fifteen of them are the in-house developments and 3 are licensed. Overall, in the course of the past 5 years, the company introduced 70 new drugs, thus securing its leadership position in the domestic pharmaceutical industry. Every sixth package of medicine sold in pharmacies is manufactured by “Darnitsa”.*

Among the new drugs are painkillers, antirheumatic and antihypertensive drugs, mucolytics, as well as a drug for preventing thyroid diseases during nuclear accidents. Seven brands of those mentioned are available by prescription.

In April of this year, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and the NSDC, “Darnitsa” registered a drug to protect the population from radiation - potassium iodide. This is an unprecedented case of fruitful cooperation between business and the state. In fact, it usually takes up to 2-3 years to develop, register, and launch a drug, while in this case, the drug was ready for shipment in less than a month. The company handed over 6.5 million doses of this drug to the Ministry of Health for free.

If we talk about new challenges and prospects, the company plans to enter the niche of mRNA vaccines against COVID-19, tuberculosis and AIDS. This is important, because such diseases are not only medical, but also social problems. In April, the WHO officially identified “Darnitsa” as the only company in Ukraine that will receive the technology for producing mRNA based vaccines. The “Darnitsa” team has already completed training at the International Institute of Vaccines in Seoul.

In addition, in March, “Darnitsa” officially won a competition and signed an agreement with the MPP (The Medicines Patent Pool) to obtain the license for development and production of a generic version of an oral anti-Covid drug with the right to sell it in 95 countries around the world.

“This year was extremely difficult for everyone, but our hardened team decently held the pharmaceutical defense of Ukraine. We not only launched 18 new medicines on the market, fulfilling our plan by 100%, but also started the pharmaceutical development of 29 new medicines. Releasing these drugs to the market as soon as possible is our goal in the coming years,” comments Inna Deniak, director of development of the “Darnitsa” pharmaceutical company.


PrJSC Pharmaceutical Company “Darnitsa” was founded in 1930. Since 1998, “Darnitsa” has been the leader of production in Ukraine in terms of volume. Strategic areas of development of the portfolio – cardiology, neurology, pain management.

*according to Proxima Research data, based on the results 2022.