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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.
19 April 2021

Ukraine needs a modern system of copyright protection, - Shymkiv

Ukraine desperately needs a modern system of copyright protection to preserve and develop its own scientific and technological potential. On the air of the “Double Standards” program on “Radio NV” Dmytro Shymkiv answered the question why Ukraine is on the 56th place in the world innovations ranking and continues to lag behind, explaining  that today Ukrainian scientists and developers prefer to work for foreign companies under a contract or register their patents in countries that provide protection of intellectual property rights.

“Many interesting patents are registered primarily in countries that have a strong legal basis for copyright protection. This is crucial,” said the chairman of the Darnitsa Group board of directors.

“I have been associated with inventions all my life and I know that Soviet scientists who created unique things did not become millionaires. However, if we look at the experience of the United States, Japan, China, we see that people who created innovative products get patents and companies that use this patent pay them royalties. Scientists live on this money, continuing their scientific activities,” he added.

At the same time, Ukraine has a strong social capital of scientists, IT specialists and other talented professionals capable of inventing promising technologies. And to rise in the ranking of innovative states, it is necessary to create conditions under which these people can benefit from their inventions without going abroad. This means, first of all, that their intellectual property rights must be protected by law.

“Intellectual law has the highest priority in the US Constitution. It is a fundamental value. For example, our programmers receive patents, but usually register them in countries that guarantee protection in the global market,”  Dmytro Shymkiv said.

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