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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.

High technologies contribute greatly to the extremely fast-paced development of the pharma, - Shymkiv

The pharmaceutical industry is one of the leaders in innovation processes in the world. However, this wouldn’t be possible without active use of hi-tech at all stages: be it the development and research of the drug or the business processes of the pharmaceutical company as a whole, which ultimately increases the availability of drugs. This was stated during the conference of the European Business Association "Innovation Day" by the chairman of the Darnitsa Group board of directors Dmitry Shymkiv.

He stressed that due to the development of technology, the speed of innovation processes in pharmaceutics has increased immensely. As an example, Shymkiv mentioned Moderna, whose scientists were able to quickly perform mRNA sequencing while developing the vaccine against COVID-19.

“Moderna was able to sequence the mRNA for the vaccine in just 2 days thanks to the active introduction of innovative technologies. Of course, later followed tests, clinical trials, etc. But the first stage was completed very quickly only due to new technologies employed. And further on, this will allow scientists to modify the vaccine as needs occur,” Shymkiv said.

Speaking about the Ukrainian pharma, he highlighted that the use of high technology will optimize production and business processes, so the cost of drugs for the final consumer will be reduced.

“Speaking of Ukraine, it is the creation of generic drugs with proven bioequivalence to the original drugs. These are the innovations associated with combined drugs, when the patient takes not ten pills, but one, and once a day, not several times. This is one of the many innovation processes that take place in generic pharma. Innovation must be present in all processes. Today, a company that does not innovate is dead. It cannot move forward. Therefore, innovations are present in all the aspects of Darnitsa's activities and they allow us to optimize processes in terms of security, continuity, cybersecurity, data processing and rapid decision making, - added Shymkiv.

Darnitsa annually invests more than 10% of its gross income into development and research. In total, Darnitsa has invested more than 235 million euros in innovative development.