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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.
Опитувальник GAD-7 для скринінгу тривожного розладуGeneralised Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) Questionnaire
Опитувальник GAD-7 для скринінгу тривожного розладуGeneralised Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) Questionnaire
15 November 2022

GAD-7 questionnaire for screening anxiety disorders

  • DisclamerThis questionnaire (scale) is a screening tool only and is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. Only a doctor can correctly interpret the test results and make a diagnosis.
  • The GAD-7 is a rapid screening questionnaire for anxiety disorders*.

    This questionnaire is not a basis for diagnosis, but it allows for a preliminary suspicion of an anxiety disorder and determination of anxiety level. It can be used by primary care physicians.

  • Read the statements below and rate how often the following problems have bothered you in the last two weeks?
    • 1. Increased nervous excitability, anxiety, feeling "on the edge"
      • Never
      • Several days
      • More than half the days
      • Almost every day
    • 2. You could not stop or control your anxiety (worry)
      • Never
      • Several days
      • More than half the days
      • Almost every day
    • 3. You worry too much about different things
      • Never
      • Several days
      • More than half the days
      • Almost every day
    • 4. It was difficult for you to relax
      • Never
      • Several days
      • More than half the days
      • Almost every day
    • 5. You have experienced extreme anxiety, "could not find a place for yourself"
      • Never
      • Several days
      • More than half the days
      • Almost every day
    • 6. You were easily annoyed or irritated
      • Never
      • Several days
      • More than half the days
      • Almost every day
    • 7. A premonition that something terrible is about to happen
      • Never
      • Several days
      • More than half the days
      • Almost every day
    Your result: 0

    minimal anxiety level

    DisclamerThe test results are not a diagnosis. For a diagnosis, please consult your doctor and show him/her the test results.
  • Sources:

    1. Spitzer RL et al. A brief measure for assessing generalized anxiety disorder. Arch Intern Med 2006; 166(10): 1092-7