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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.
Скринінг депресії – шкала PHQ-2 (Patient Health Questionnaire)Screening for Depression–PHQ-2 (Patient Health Questionnaire) Scale
Скринінг депресії – шкала PHQ-2 (Patient Health Questionnaire)Screening for Depression–PHQ-2 (Patient Health Questionnaire) Scale
15 November 2022

Depression screening - PHQ-2 scale (Patient Health Questionnaire)

  • DisclamerThis questionnaire (scale) is a screening tool only and is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. Only a doctor can correctly interpret the test results and make a diagnosis.
  • Take the PHQ-2 depression scale to check for depression.

  • Depression screening - PHQ-2 scale (Patient Health Questionnaire)
    • 1. How often have you experienced low mood, sadness, or feelings of hopelessness in the past month?
      • Yes
      • No
    • 2. In the past month, how often have you noticed a lack of interest or enjoyment in things that you used to be interested in or enjoy, in the past month?
      • Yes
      • No
    Your result: 0

    The screening results show no signs of depression.

    DisclamerThe test results are not a diagnosis. For a diagnosis, please consult your doctor and show him/her the test results.