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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.

Alphacholine (oral solution)

Release forms:
Psychoorganic syndrome associated with involutional and degenerative changes in the brain, consequences of cerebrovascular insufficiency or primary and secondary cognitive disorders in elderly people, which are characterized by memory impairment, confused consciousness, disorientation, decreased motivation and initiative, reduced ability to concentrate. Behavioral and emotional disorders in elderly people, emotional lability, increased irritability, decreased interest to the environment; pseudo-melancholy.
Characteristics of the productу:
    • Release formSolution
    • PregnantContraindicated
    • NursingContraindicated
    • Release categoryPrescription medication
    • DriversWith caution
    • Temperature storage conditionsNot higher than 25 °С
    • Qualitative and quantitative composition:
    • Pharmaceutical form.
    • Pharmacotherapeutic group.
    • Pharmacodynamic properties.
    • Clinical particulars.
    • Therapeutic indications.
    • Contraindications.
    • Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction.
    • Special warnings and precautions for use.
    • Posology and method of administration.
    • Overdose.
    • Undesirable effects.
    • Shelf life.
    • Special precautions for storage.
    • Nature and contents of container.
    • Category of release.
    • Manufacturer.
    • The manufacturer's location and address of the place of business.
    • Date of last revision.