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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.
19 April 2024

Darnytsia Shared the Experience of Implementing Lean Production Technologies

Dmytro Polatailo, the head of the production management group of Darnytsia Pharmaceutical Company, took part in an event "Lean technologies. How to increase income in business while reducing costs," organized by the Kaizen Club.

Dmytro told about the path to operational excellence of Darnytsia, presenting the main process optimization tools that are already successfully used by the company. In particular, it was about the experience of using SMED (method for reducing equipment changeover time), owing to which it was possible to increase the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) by almost 30% in two years. He also shared the methods of analysis and decomposition of production costs, the features of finding root causes, as well as the principles of Kaizen teams and other practices.

"Starting from 2022, we have been rapidly implementing 5S, the basic tool of lean production. Originally created as a method of organizing the workspace, this program has already covered more than 30 sites and involved several hundred employees of technical and production departments.

In addition, the local DARidea system of suggestions, in which all the company employees participate, shows positive dynamics. The number and quality of employee ideas submitted, processed and implemented increases every year. Some suggestions allow to significantly reduce production costs, others are aimed at improving operational processes and increasing the level of security at the enterprise," Dmytro Polatailo shared.

"We are convinced that today it is the successful integration of the latest digital tools and methods of lean production that is the key to gaining competitive advantages. Moreover, the key factors of success are the true involvement of employees in a common cause and the pursuit of continuous improvement", emphasized Dmytro Polatailo, the head of the production management group of Darnytsia Pharmaceutical Company.

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