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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.
20 October 2021

Darnitsa welcomes foreign partners

On 6-7 October pharmaceutical company “Darnitsa” held “Partner`s Days”. Strategic partners of the company from 13 countries of Europe, Near Asia and CIS took part in the event. It is known that Darnitsa exports preparations to 15 countries of the world, including Lithuania, Poland, Georgia, Iraq and others.

Throughout two days the foreign guests attended strategic sessions, product presentations of prescription and over-the-counter preparations, and had the opportunity to talk to each other in private. The conference provided an overview of the pharmaceutical market in Ukraine, which Darnitsa has been exclusively conducting since 2018 with the company Top Lead and analytical partner Business Views.

During the product session the export for prescription and over-the-counter preparations portfolio of Darnitsa was reviewed. The undisputed leader in exports of over-the-counter preparations is Citramon-Darnitsa*. The company`s export prescription portfolio includes preparations in the areas of cardiology, neurology and pain treatment. The importance of these fields of medical preparations was the topic of the presentation at the product session of the prescription preparations.

There were representatives from marketing, quality control of medical products, registration and strategic development of the pharmaceutical company “Darnitsa” present at the meeting, so the foreign partners had the opportunity to discuss all the basic aspects of pharmaceuticals. Within the framework of this event, the partners also had the opportunity to visit the Darnitsa manufacturing and warehousing complex.

This event was held for the first time, but the company plans to organize such kind of conferences on an annual basis.

“Export development is one of our strategic priorities. Events of such scale are expected to support partnership relations, encourage new areas of work and increase the efficiency of existing ones”, noted Irina Radchenko, Director of pharmaceutical company Darnitsa`s Export Department.


PJSC pharmaceutical company “Darnitsa” was founded in 1930. This year the company is celebrating its 91st anniversary. Since 1998 “Darnitsa” has been the leader in Ukraine by the volume of production of medicines in kind. Strategic areas of portfolio development are cardiology, neurology, solutions for pain problems. “Darnitsa” has brought to market 50 pharmaceutical brands during 2015-2020.

* Registration certificate of Citramon-Darnitsa No. UA/6550/01/01

The above-mentioned information is provided solely for dissemination in specialized publications aimed for medical institutions and physicians, as well as at conferences and seminars on medical topics.


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