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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.
11 January 2022

“Darnitsa” tells: how to recognize a tension headache and overcome it

About 70% of the world's population suffers from tension headaches at different periods of life, among which the vast majority are women aged 20 to 40 years. Ukrainians are no exception and the problem of this type of headache is very common in our country. Since the solution of pain problems is one of the strategic activities of the pharmaceutical company “Darnitsa”, its specialists understand its nature and how to help it. 

Tension headache is an official diagnosis, the definition of which is in the International Classification of Diseases, although it is usually considered a “normal headache”, which more than half of the population faces from time to time. Patients describe it as covering the head like a hoop and creating “a feeling of pressure, as if in a helmet.” The pain usually begins in the back of the head or forehead and spreads to the entire head within half an hour.

“Tension headache is quite often provoked by stress and emotional overload. Also, the nature of tension headache is associated with overstrain of the muscles of the shoulders and neck, which further causes pained sensations. The risk of its occurrence, in turn, can increase lack of sleep, prolonged work at the computer and even staying in an uncomfortable position. The role of the vascular component, in particular vascular spasm in the development of this type of pain has not been proven for today,” notes Lidiia Honchar-Cherdakli, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Deputy Director for Medical Affairs of the pharmaceutical company “Darnitsa”.

As for the treatment of tension headaches, the leading modern international guidelines advise a combination of pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods. In particular, this approach is actively used in Europe and the USA. The use of spasmolytic agents is not mentioned in the recommendations.

As pharmacological means of combating this type of pain, analgesics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or their combination with caffeine are used, for example, acetylsalicylic acid + paracetamol + caffeine. It is considered that it is caffeine which increases the effectiveness of such a combination. Such active substances contain “Citramon-Darnitsa”* and “Citramon Maxi”** from the pharmaceutical company “Darnitsa”

“Citramon-Darnitsa” is the leader of consumption among all over-the-counter medications used for headache by Ukrainians.***

And in order to reduce the risk of tension headaches, doctors advise resorting to such non-pharmacological methods of detecting and preventing triggers that cause headaches: balancing the diet, exercise and adjusting the sleep regime. Daily walks in the fresh air, neck and shoulder massage, regular rest will also help.


PJSC Pharmaceutical Company “Darnitsa” was founded in 1930. Since 1998, Darnitsa has been the leader in Ukraine in terms of the volume of production of medicines in kind. The strategic directions of the portfolio development are cardiology, neurology, and pain problem-solving. During 2015-2020, Darnitsa released 50 pharmaceutical brands to the market

* Сitramon-Darnitsa RP № UA/6550/01/01

** Citramon MAXI RP № UA/17370/01/01

*** According to Proxima Research

***** The above information is intended exclusively for distribution in specialized publications intended for medical institutions and doctors, and also at conferences and seminars on medical topics

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