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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.

Darnytsia Once Again Entered the List of the Best Employers in the Country

Darnytsia Pharmaceutical Company was included in the top 30 employers of the country, according to the Forbes magazine and website. 

When determining the best employers, the following parameters were evaluated:

  • company brand;
  • the amount of remuneration and the level of satisfaction with it by employees;
  • working conditions (work schedule, workplace safety);
  • social package;
  • information openness;
  • sense of protection and equality;
  • opportunities for professional development in the company and other factors.

Darnytsia was scored the most for its information openness. The company communicates transparently with its team. Almost 3 years ago, Darnytsia significantly changed the way it communicates with employees by implementing the Workplace internal corporate network. This allowed creating a multi-vector space for open communication between all levels of employees, increasing their engagement and understanding of the business. 

The ceremony of awarding the best employers of the country took place within the framework of the Superhumans forum, organized by the Forbes magazine. 

“We are glad to once again become part of the rating of the best employers of Ukraine. This year we managed to improve our position, and this is evidence that the initiated and expanded programmes of corporate care really change the lives of our employees and their families for the better. That is why we will develop and deepen this trend further. We strive to be not just a job for our people, but a real place of strength,” Olena Sokolova, People Director at Darnytsia Pharmaceutical Company, says.