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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.
03 October 2022

Olena Sokolova took part in the panel discussion “The cHRonicles of war”

HR-specialists of the largest domestic companies such as Kyivstar, Nova Poshta, Darnitsa and Phillip Morris Ukraine have taken part in the panel discussion on personnel management during the full-scale war.

The event was organized by the Ukrainian Rating Magazine “TOP-100. Ratings of the Largest” and Ekonomika+. The participants talked about the main challenges of war in the field of personnel management, keeping the dialogue with the team, leadership during war and employer branding.

Olena Sokolova, Personnel Management Director of the Pharmaceutical Company Darnitsa, noted the following challenges faced by the company during a full-scale invasion:

  • Responsibility for a large number of people. It was important to keep in touch with the team, so we updated the contact details not only of the employees, but also of their relatives, conducted a survey of who was planning to leave and where.
  • Reorientation of production and product portfolio. The hospital segment has grown significantly, and the need for drugs has also changed. New challenges have also emerged, such as the threat of radiation contamination. We reoriented our production and put into production new drugs at a rapid pace.
  • Support for employees who go to work. It was necessary to give new meanings, to unite, to convey that we are bringing aid in pharmaceutical defence.

During the war, communication became more intense: it was necessary to constantly report on company updates and plans. Darnitsa’s HR specialists also recorded the stories of employees: how they survive this time, what gives them strength. This united and inspired the team.

People had a lot of questions that they never had before: about displaced persons, schools, kindergartens, etc. Therefore, the company introduced online consultation meetings with lawyers.

“Today, the relationship between an employer and an employee is not only economic. This is already a synergy for victory approaching,” Olena emphasizes.

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