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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.
Reviewer of the articleЛідія Гончар-ЧердакліLidiia Gonchar-CherdakliPh. D. (Medical Sciences). Deputy Medical Affairs Director, Darnytsia Pharmaceutical CompanyReviewer's page
13 June 2022

PTSD: possible signs of the disorder

  • How do people with PTSD behave and how does the disorder manifest itself? What should alert you and serve as a reason to consult a doctor? In this article, we will tell you what are the signs of PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder).  

    How does the posttraumatic disorder manifest itself: signs

    PTSD — this is a normal reaction to an abnormal situation. If you know someone who has just had a traumatic experience, pay attention to the following signs of PTSD, which may indicate that the person needs help:

    • changes of behavior: low productivity at work, being often late, taking sick leave often, minor accidents.
    • changes in emotions: anger, irritability, depression, lack of interest and lack of concentration.
    • changes in thoughts: preoccupation with threats or fears, negative views of the future.
    • sudden physical symptoms: shortness of breath, jerky convulsive movements or abdominal pain.

    If you think someone may be showing signs of PTSD, you can suggest that they talk to their doctor.

    If you are not close enough to make this suggestion, you can talk to someone who is close to this person and could do it for you. Remember that only a specialist can correctly diagnose and prescribe adequate therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder.

    Below you can find a screening scale for determining posttraumatic stress disorders.

    ПТСР: можливі ознаки розладу

    Primary care PTSD screen DSM-5 (PC-PTSD-5)

    If you have managed to recognize the signs of PTSD in yourself or a loved one, do not underestimate the disease and seek help from a professional.


  • Frequently Asked Questions
    • One of the common symptoms of PTSD is avoidance of conversations, thoughts, associations, and things related to the traumatic event. Another thing that indicates the presence of a disorder is nightmares and re-experiencing a traumatic situation with corresponding sensations (flashbacks). Changes in emotional and physical state, among other things, can serve as a signal. However, only a doctor can establish an accurate diagnosis.
    • The diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder can only be made by a doctor. Do not self-medicate.