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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.
Reviewer of the articleЛідія Гончар-ЧердакліLidiia Gonchar-CherdakliPh. D. (Medical Sciences). Deputy Medical Affairs Director, Darnytsia Pharmaceutical CompanyReviewer's page
04 September 2022

Stress management: techniques and methods according to WHO guidelines

  • “Important skills in times of stress” is a stress management guide by WHO, designed to help teach people how to cope better with adverse circumstances. This illustrated guide supports the implementation of WHO recommendations on stress management.

    Any person, no matter where he or she lives, can experience a high level of stress, which has numerous reasons: 

    • personal difficulties (for example, conflicts with the people we love, loneliness, lack of livelihood, worries about the future);
    • problems at work (for example, conflicts with colleagues, extremely difficult or unstable work);
    • serious threats in the society in general (for example, violence, disease, lack of economic prospects).

    It is necessary not only to eliminate the causes of adverse circumstances, but also to maintain people’s mental health.

    This manual lists techniques and methods of managing stress. The practical material will be useful to those who are in a state of stress - be it parents and caregivers or healthcare professionals working in dangerous situations. The information is intended both for people fleeing from war and losing everything that was acquired, and for well-protected people living in peaceful communities.

    This guide is based on existing evidence and the results of large-scale field trials and contains information and descriptions of practical skills and stress management techniques that will help people cope with adverse circumstances.