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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.
18 March 2022

Darnitsa digital project for children during the war

When the war broke out, the educational process in Ukraine stopped. Now some of the teachers and children are already safe and ready to continue their studies. The Ministry of Education of Ukraine has formed the classes schedule for children of various age groups in order to resume the educational process depending on the regions, but mostly in remote mode.

To support employees and their families, Darnitsa organized its own educational digital project for employees' children. Together with the international influencer marketing agency "Air Brands", the company conducts online training on TikTok, Youtube, and digital design. There are three age groups: junior (2-7 years old), middle (8-12 years old), and senior (13-18 years old). All children of "Darnitsa» staff who have the opportunity to join the training have classes three times a week. They learn how to make online content, how to promote their own videos on channels, what digital fashion is, and what digital trends exist in the world. Teachers therein involved are not only the company partners but also specialists from abroad, as well as Darnitsa's own digital team.

The project main idea is to teach children using modern digital tools, help them survive wartime, and support them and their parents in a situation of martial law in the country.

The future of the nation belongs to our children. We work to ensure that they live in a free, independent and strong Ukraine!


PJSC pharmaceutical company "Darnitsa" was founded in 1930. Since 1998, Darnitsa is the leader in Ukrainian pharma industry in terms of drug production in kind. During the 21 days of military aggression, Darnitsa handed over free of charge almost 600 thousand packages of medicines which total value exceeds 27 million hryvnias to medical institutions and volunteer organizations that help the Ukrainian military and civilians. The company imported at its own expense the strategic hemostatic Celox, which is of extreme importance for the army; 10,000 packages of this hemostatic drug are transferred free of charge to hospitals, Territorial Defence units, AFU units.

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