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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.

How Darnytsia Helps Ukrainians During the Great War

Pharmaceutical Company ‘Darnytsia’ continues to support the state and fellow citizens against the background of a full-scale invasion.

Since 24 February 2022, almost 3 million packages of medicines worth about UAH 250 million have been delivered to medical institutions of Ukraine: hospitals, clinics, and military hospitals.

However, not only the company as a whole, but also almost every employee of the company is actively engaged in charitable and humanitarian activities.

Thus, recently, 56 employees of Pharmaceutical Company ‘Darnytsia’ once again became blood donors. This donation potentially saved the lives of 168 Ukrainians, both military and civilians. In total, during 2023, members of the Darnytsia team donated blood three times, providing medical institutions almost 70 litres of blood.

In general, the culture of donation began to develop among the employees of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical industry leader since 1987. This tradition has never been so important as it is now, against the background of the russian invasion, because it allows each employee to join in saving lives and ensuring joint victory.

There are other areas of volunteer activity in which the Darnytsia team is involved. In particular, at the beginning of the war, a group of nine proactive employees formed ‘We are Together’ community to cover the needs of the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, whose ranks their colleagues joined. Currently, this community has more than a thousand participants, involved in fundraising and holding a regular VICTORY charity auction.

The assistance in the form of humanitarian cargo should not go unmentioned, which the employees of Darnytsia provided to the residents of Kherson Region on their own initiative. After the liberation of the Right Bank of Kherson Region and during the liquidation of the consequences of the terrorist attack at the Kakhovka HPP, Darnytsia allocated funds and medicines to help the region, and the company’s team joined the support through the collection of clothing, food, hygiene products, and other essentials.

‘The joint efforts of the management of Darnytsia and each individual employee bring real and significant results that inspire to expand charitable activities and bring the Victory closer. It is not enough to believe in it, we have to constantly do something to get it. Darnytsia does. We are about doing’, Vasyl Hubarets, Corporate Communications Director at Pharmaceutical Company ‘Darnytsia’, says.