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A specialized edition intended for medical institutions and doctors.
26 November 2024

Darnytsia Receives Awards from the Ukrainian Corporate Media Association

Darnytsia Pharmaceutical Company has received four awards from the Ukrainian Corporate Media Association, recognising its achievements in both internal and external communications.

In the field of internal communications, Darnytsia was awarded the Grand Prix in the "Corporate Project" category for its project "Being Ukrainians – It's Ours." This project was highly praised for its patriotic spirit, educational approach, and meaningful content. 

Notably, the project was also recognised at the PR Marathon organised by Marketing Media Review (MMR).

Darnytsia’s internal corporate network, Workplace, received acclaim for fostering a circle of brand ambassadors and strengthening corporate culture.

In external communications, the leader in Ukrainian pharmaceutical production was awarded the Grand Prix in the "Corporate Storytelling" category for its project "Darnytsia – It's Ours."

A special recognition was also given to Darnytsia’s corporate Facebook page.

“These are not just awards; they represent recognition of our collective efforts and the work we put in every day. I am proud of our team, the way we collaborate in synergy, develop best practices, and share our successes. Darnytsia is moving forward,” commented Vasyl Hubarets, Corporate Communications Director at Darnytsia Pharmaceutical Company.

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